Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Forrest Gump

This is a story of a small handicapped,below IQ boy named Forrest Gump,played by Tom Hanks.
He is crippled since his childhood and also not so mentally sound.
He is rejected admission into normal school because his IQ is less than normal IQ.
But then he gains education,joins the army,learns to play ping pong,becomes a master in it,receives gallantary award for saving his comrades life during vietnam war,how he starts a shrimp business and flourishes in it,how he becomes an idol to millions of people in the world.
This is an unusual story of a below IQ boy achieving many things in his life.
Tom Hanks acting is commendable!

1 comment:

Ble said...

Forrest Gump .. my all-time favorite movie.. my boyfriend invited me to watch this and i find it very meaningful and inspiring.. i even cried when i watched..:D